Whole Foods faces boycott over English-only work policy – NBC News.com.
Fact: The United States does not declare an official language.
So what’s the big deal anyway?
Do you think the Whole Food’s policy is needed or racist?
Position 1: Pro-Bilingualism
- Isn’t it a good thing that there are staff members who are able to communicate bilingually?
- Maybe the bilingual speakers feel more comfortable or even share camaraderie in their heritage.
- Bilingual speakers have the ability to help customers who may speak another language.
- Shouldn’t we be encouraged to speak multiple languages?
- Some Europeans pride themselves in being able to speak four or five different languages.
- Does this show that Americans are hesitant towards allowing other heritages from expressing themselves in public?
- Is this an attempt to squash civil liberties, especially if there is no law.
- Should big business be allowed to create employee rules that prevent languages other than English from being spoken, essentially “trumping” federal laws/or lack there of?
Position 2: English Only!
- Some people feel that speaking languages other than the standard one is rude because they think others might be speaking poorly about them.
- Some may argue that speaking Spanish in the US prevents Latinos from assimilating into the mainstream and holds them back intellectually and economically.
- Should Latinos be forced to learn English? If there is an expectation that migrant workers learn English, should it be an expectation that all native born Americans earn an A in English class?
- Does speaking a different language make the workplace more hazardous?
- Is it still OK to speak a different language if the employee can understand both languages?